Most people in business who want to write a book want to share their expertise, but then, they wait and wait ‘to be ready’ and never write their book and if that is you, read on.
Publishing and Marketing
21 posts
About Writing Spammy Sounding Posts Are you writing ‘spammy’ sounding posts? Most people don’t think they are and that is because they are NOT aware of what sort of ‘images’ their words raise in the readers mind and here is what I mean by that: You might think that describing [...]
Writing your Book using a Ghost Writer: Yes or NO?
Let me tell you in this post, why you WON’T need a ghost writer to help you write your book when you apply this framework:
Do NOT distract from what you are REALLY an expert on by wanting to write a book on something you think is ‘easy’ to write about and here is why:
Read this if you are …
…hoping that when you write your book, people who read it, will want to become your clients?
How clearly is your Offer?
Are you describing your Offer clearly and succinctly? Here are 3 Tips to include in your description
EXPERIENCE VS EXPERTISE - WHICH SHOULD YOU WRITE ABOUT? When people have been on a transformational journey, experienced loss and suffering and have come through it all with strength and a new awareness and now they want to write their ‘story’ as a book full of guidance to help other’s [...]
What holds a lot of people back from writing is they believe they have to write a ‘good’ book – here we ‘bust’ this myth!
STOP asking People their Opinion about your Book Title When people who are writing a book for their business to show their expertise and share their knowledge go asking on FB: “Which of these book titles do you like best?” …they have just destroyed their expertise and authority and here [...]
Are You making this Little Mistake? How this little Mistake can cost you big and why writing a book can fix it: There are some coaches thinking about lowering their high ticket price point or re-arranging their offers and charging less because they are not getting new clients. But PRICE [...]