About Sigrid de Kaste
Sigrid de Kaste is a three (3) times International #1 Bestselling Author & High Profit, High Impact Book Strategist for Women in Business who want to Expand their Brand into Global Recognition & Visibility with a Book
Originally trained as a Photographer, Sigrid has worked in Advertising, Public Relations, Retail, Management, Marketing and has owned a number of Retail Stores in which she quickly doubled profits and tripled turnover
Sigrid formally studied Marketing and has direct experience of starting up, building, and selling businesses; together with the different types of marketing that is required during each of these phases

Hello there, it’s me, Sigrid!
I believe that everyone has a valuable story to tell, and that sharing that story through a Book can make a Positive Impact in the World.
BUT…so many women in business hold back to get started!
Reason after reason around ‘no time’ and time goes by, day after day, year after year, no Book yet!
So, I’m here…
…to transform the way savvy women in business (the changemakers!) go about writing their story, knowledge, and expertise into a book by showing them there is a simple, smooth and straight forward way with the right framework.
Every woman can make a bigger Impact and Inspire Positive change, be much more widely recognized for her Expertise with a book, without it taking months or years getting ‘stuck’ in the writing process and instead reap real benefits, really fast, for your Brand and Business.
I’m here to guide you through the process of writing and publishing a marketing optimized book with ease and confidence in the shortest time possible.
Specially if you are a savvy, successful Woman in Business with great Clients you’re helping achieve awesome outcomes and are busy because you’re so good at what you do and people appreciate it, in fact, they tell you, you should write a Book about your Expertise to share it further and wider, globally, to make a bigger Impact and Inspire even more positive change.
You’ve probably wanted to do that for a while now, write a Book BUT…there’s that BUT holding you back.
For example:
BUT… what specifically would I write about, where do I start, there is so much to say?
BUT… I do want to say a lot but is it enough to fill a Book?
BUT… I’m so busy with Clients, when would I find time to write?
…and so, weeks turn into months, and months turn into years and that Book is still not written!
You see, I know EXACTLY what that feels like, wanting to make an Impact, sharing your Message to Inspire and making a Difference with an Expertise you have.
I’ve written three books and experienced that frustration of WHERE do I start and WHAT am I going to write about?
Then, writing, writing, writing and getting STUCK!
My first book took 8 months writing and then I had ENOUGH of writing, I couldn’t think of more to say, so I paid a huge sum of money to a ghost writer to add more, only to throw away the lot and start all over again!
And then, with my second book, I had a better idea of how to structure my book chapters, making the writing fast and easy because I discovered THE SECRET:
…there is ONE thing we all know about and yet often don’t use, that one thing gets us what we want…
…so, I applied that one thing and developed my strategic book writing and business transformation framework, custom-built for busy, successful women in business, the changemakers, so running the business and writing your book isn’t a problem, because having a book to your name, helps you make that IMPACT you want to make.
Now I want to make sure people, YOU, who wants to write a book, knows that there’s another way to the OUTDATED saying: ‘writing a book is a lot of work’…which it is NOT!
If you’re about changing the World, making an Impact with your Message and Inspire Change, you, the Changemaker, then I invite you to step out, connect and discover how to share your Vision with a Book.
Firstly, you might like to know what my Book Writing and Business Transformation Framework looks like.
You can access it here: https://www.0s4.com/r/METHOD
Or save time and skip that, talk to me direct, here: https://www.0s4.com/r/MEETME
Here’s to you, the Changemaker, discovering the SECRET and writing a Book that makes the Impact you want to make with your Message, globally!

Did you know…
As an International Speaker Sigrid excels in delivering clear, practical, hands on seminars and workshops on the most up to date Marketing topics for clients and organisations
Sigrid has delivered presentations at ‘The Jewellery Fair’ in Brisbane, BNI Brisbane South, BNI Kuala Lumpur, BNI Switzerland, BNI Hong Kong and Coorparoo Business Group in Brisbane.
She presents at various Networking groups as well as regularly holding face to face and online workshops. As Director Consultant for BNI Gold Coast Region she created and presented weekly group training sessions over an 8 months period
Sigrid also offers personalized marketing workshops for businesses
She was called on to present at the 2013 Business Writers Conference and then to teach Social Media ‘how to’ for Real Estate Agents