A thing that makes me Sad If there’s one thing that makes me really, really sad, that is that so many well established, highly knowledgeable coaches & consultants are NOT starting to write that book they’ve been thinking about writing because they secretly fear the book might not turn out [...]
Sigrid de Kaste
198 posts
Something you should know about my Program Here is something you should know about my program... when people want to write a book and come to me with their idea I always give them a couple of links to Videos and Posts I’ve written around my specific writing framework and it [...]
DEFINE YOUR PERSONAL BRAND If You Don’t Define Your Personal Brand, Others Will! A personal brand exists and if do not create it the way you want it to be, others will create it for you. I was never a fan of promoting myself, always quiet in the background and [...]
ARE YOU HIDING BEHIND EXCUSES? Are you hiding behind excuses NOT to write your book because you feel you are not ready or you don’t have time right now? Here is the danger you face: An investment property coach has been in contact with me for several months now, moving [...]
ARE YOU MAKING THE 'MISMATCH WORD' MISTAKE? Are you making the ‘mismatch’ word mistake when writing your posts? It is so simple, yet most people make it really, really difficult for themselves by using an unbelievably complicated set of words that mean a lot to the writer but NOTHING to [...]
About Writing Spammy Sounding Posts Are you writing ‘spammy’ sounding posts? Most people don’t think they are and that is because they are NOT aware of what sort of ‘images’ their words raise in the readers mind and here is what I mean by that: You might think that describing [...]
Imposter Thinking: There’s a major reason why people fall into ‘imposter’ thinking and sometimes see everything they do as ‘faked’ – let me explain more in this post
Writing your Book using a Ghost Writer: Yes or NO?
Let me tell you in this post, why you WON’T need a ghost writer to help you write your book when you apply this framework:
Do NOT distract from what you are REALLY an expert on by wanting to write a book on something you think is ‘easy’ to write about and here is why:
Everyone is offering a Challenge…
but WHAT exactly do you have when you’ve finished the Challenge? Here you have a published Book!