Are you making this Mistake with your Book?
Even highly educated and fully qualified people make this mistake with writing a book
Sigrid de Kaste
Read this if you are …
…hoping that when you write your book, people who read it, will want to become your clients?
How clearly is your Offer?
Are you describing your Offer clearly and succinctly? Here are 3 Tips to include in your description
Should you use Transcribed Content for your Book?
What if I told you that people who teach that is a fast and simple way to write a book by transcribing the modules of your existing program are WRONG
Multi Author Book vs Single Author
Some people are thinking that contributing a chapter to a multi author book will help them get that book they’ve been wanting to write for so long, into their hands faster
Are you searching for how to publish your book?
Let me come right out with it: using a publisher instead of self-publishing your book because that makes you a ‘real’ author and gives your book ‘status’ or gets you more sales is rubbish.
What holds a lot of people back from writing is they believe they have to write a ‘good’ book – here we ‘bust’ this myth!