MORE CLIENTS, SHORTER SALES CALLS...CAN A BOOK GET YOU THAT? MORE CLIENTS, SHORTER SALES CALLS…Can writing a Book help you get that? Every time I dispel the Myths’ around writing a Book people discover that writing your Book can help you get more leads, more clients, more attention, boost your [...]
Sigrid de Kaste
198 posts
READY TO STOP HIDING BEHIND EXCUSES? "I’m joining your ‘Write & Publish an Expert Status Book in 12-Weeks’ Program, because I don’t want to hide behind my excuses anymore!" That’s what clients have said after they’ve spent months, even years, thinking about, ‘researching’, taking some DIY writing courses, started writing, [...]
Your helping you get Clients...? IMAGINE enrolling new high-paying clients and generating double what you’re achieving now because these new clients already know who you are and what you offer, they don’t argue and don’t ask for a low end offer first to get to know you because you’ve put [...]
DOES THIS SOUND LIKE YOU? Does this sound like you? You’ve been dreaming of writing a book for a while now but you’re just not clear on how to get started even though you have a vague idea. You think writing a book takes more time than you have right [...]
When is the 'RIGHT' time to write your Book? If you’re waiting for it to be ‘the right time’ to start writing your book, you may end up like me this last week. I was waiting for the ‘right time’ to do the washing to avoid the rain. You see, [...]
Who Exactly gets to decide if your Book is a 'GOOD' Book? Who exactly decides what a ‘good’ book is and how to do you write one? Loads of people use the words ‘it has to be a good book’ and then cannot tell me in details what that [...]
DO I NEED AND ISBN FOR MY BOOK? There are lots of questions and lots of confusion around ISBNs, for example: Do you need an ISBN? What is an ISBN? Where do you get an ISBN? Here is what you want to know about ISBN's BEFORE you start writing [...]
A 'What' Book or a 'How' To Book - Which is right for your? What’s the difference between a ‘What’ book and a ‘How to’ book and which should you write? On first glance you might think it’s pretty clear, a ‘what’ book talks about what can be done, [...]
PLAN YOUR BOOK FOR IMPACT How do you know your book will make an impact? Does it happen by ‘chance, or because you get it professionally edited or…WHAT is involved? Some people who want to write a book put great emphasis on how they are going to write their book [...]
Most people in business who want to write a book want to share their expertise, but then, they wait and wait ‘to be ready’ and never write their book and if that is you, read on.