“I’m joining your ‘Write & Publish an Expert Status Book in 12-Weeks’ Program, because I don’t want to hide behind my excuses anymore!”
That’s what clients have said after they’ve spent months, even years, thinking about, ‘researching’, taking some DIY writing courses, started writing, re-writing and then just NOT taking any more action because it’s become too painful to feel like they are a ‘failure’ just because they can’t get their thoughts on to a page to write their book!
(Some people get too much on the page and don’t know HOW to sort and put it into chapters!)
The truth is…
…when you know something is going to take a certain period of time and you’ll get to work with a targeted, proven framework that allows you to schedule the program time each week for the total time it takes to write the book, 12 weeks with my program, for example, you KNOW you can do it!
(Because that’s how you built your business, that’s how you work with your clients and get them to achieve the outcomes you provide, with your specific method and writing and publishing a marketing ready book to a framework that takes just six weeks, simply makes sense)
It is always when you take full responsibility for achieving your goal, that you WILL achieve it and it becomes even easier when you get help.
And people who get my help, experience this:
I work with you on clearly defining what you want your book to do for you and in that process you will discover what topic to write on, who will want to read your book and that sets you up for the right way of writing your book.
I know, I know, a lot of people think it’s the editor that makes your book ‘readable’ and I tell you:
That is a myth!
As a business owner, a coach or consultant with your unique method of helping people only you know how to describe it in a way it makes people excited and interested to want to know more about you and your offers.
That is an important part you want to ‘build in’ to your book when you are writing it.
I also work with you on what type of marketing strategy you need to apply both, for marketing your book AND yourself (your business), in order to have the right people reach out to you, without questioning your expertise and authority.
(YES this HAS to be done BEFORE you write and publish your book, and I know, this is NOT how most traditional ‘book coaches’ teach you writing a book!)
I also share with you my super-simple method for proof editing, formatting and publishing your book on Amazon, so you keep total control over your royalties and other income generated from every marketing and promotion activity you undertake with your book at the center.
(I have one set fee for helping you with EVERY STEP you need to take to get that book written, published and marketing ready and as far as I know, this is the only program that does this.)
You also get online access to my entire book writing, publishing and marketing framework, (videos, worksheets, recordings etc) and you can write a second, third or however many books you’d like to write, with this method, with this lifetime access, for just ONE investment.
And you’ll get lifetime access to my ‘client only’ marketing method updates via email and LIVE session invitations where you can ask any questions you might have, even long after you’ve been my active client.
This program gets the best results for established business owners (getting great results for their clients) who now want to share their expertise more widely, position their credibility and use a book to attract new clients more easily, ready to work with them.
This is an ideal fit for business consultants and leadership coaches, health and well-being coaches or anyone in the field of personal development and the investment is mid four figures for this complete writing, publishing and marketing strategy approach.
If you are interested in this offer, simply PM me and we’ll chat to see if it’s a good fit for you and your business.