Does this sound like you?
You’ve been dreaming of writing a book for a while now but you’re just not clear on how to get started even though you have a vague idea.
You think writing a book takes more time than you have right now. You’re just too busy and you can’t focus on writing.
You want to tell your story, you want to talk about the challenges you’ve faced and how you’ve overcome them so that others gain hope and encouragement to take effective action, like you did.
With your story in a book you can help many more people and perhaps the book also helps you promote yourself as the excellent coach that you are.
I hear you!
The danger you face when you eventually, finally, get started on your book without first learning exactly how to weave your personal story of strength into your expertise and make a soft, yet powerful call to the reader that you are the coach they can trust and choose to work with, the danger you face is this:
Your book becomes a long drawn out self-describing monologue any reader starts reading a few pages, maybe a chapter, and then puts the book down.
You’ve lost the reader; you never made a connection with them.
(yes, this happens even though all your friends, close contacts and family cheer you on and say they ‘love’ the book! They are NOT your clients, remember?!)
If you go ahead in abovementioned way, you’ve missed a crucial part of the writing process that acts as a bridge between telling your story to authentically involving the reader into your story.
That crucial missing piece or ‘bridge’ (that no editor can edit in for you) is what I call the ‘Outcome in Mind’.
It literally provides you with an instant reader attraction, it paves the ‘know, like & trust’ roadmap that contains vital details, answers, and insights to ensure your reader is perfectly aligned with your experience and the specific outcome you provide, the pain points (or what’s missing for them) that they’re experiencing, and that you provide the solution for them.
In fact, without fail, clients of mine are stunned and delighted that once they discover their specific outcome, in other words, what exactly they’d like to achieve with the book, these three things fall into place immediately and they often get the actual writing done so fast they never thought would be possible, because they have fun writing in a reader focused way.
The things that fall into place for you, working with me and using my framework, are:
1.-You’ll know immediately how to write your book in a reader centered way because you’ll know WHO you need to write the book for.
2.- You’ll have a clear idea of your chapter content and can easily estimate how much time you need to spend writing. Some of my clients get this done, the entire book written, in one weekend.
3.- Your book will share your story and your expertise in a way that makes it simple and easy for the reader to choose to want to work with you. You are highlighted as the must-work -with coach, without it feeling ‘fake’, instead, it’s you authentically connecting with your reader.
Some clients of mine are contacted by readers asking to work with them even before the book has been officially launched.
So, you can keep on dreaming of writing a book or you can take action and get started now and if you’d like my help, we’ll be working 12-weeks together, 1:1 and in a small group, (max 5 people), where you complete all (3) three Phases of getting your Book in Place:
I show you how to write a reader centered book from start to finish. With my help you will Publish your Book, both in Print & Kindle, and we set up your Book Launch & Marketing Strategy, so you are ready to make an Impact and attract new Clients, even before our time together is completed.
You may also, like many of my clients, have book sales lined up and promotional interviews booked.
My program is specifically suited for busy, ambitious, successful coaches or consultants with a proven expertise who know a book is the next level of Inspiring and making an Impact to more people who will want to work with them.
Simply PM me for a messenger chat to see if your book idea is a good fit. Choose from FB or LinkedIn below