When People say: I don’t have Time
Why do People say they have no Time? What’s at play here? It is what YOU FOCUS on – not the time you have, not the time I have, we all have the same time!
STOP if Sales Calls make you Sick!
ARE YOU MAKING YOURSELF SICK OVER SALES CALLS? In my early days in my consulting career in Team Building, I literally made myself sick over follow up calls!
What is Multi Channel Marketing What is multi-channel marketing and why do I need it? Hi, I’m Sigrid de Kaste from Stickybeak Marketing and this question comes to me quite often. Think of it this way, we have the opportunity to check for information on so many different channels. Meaning […]
Cool Vidnami Video Software Tool
Powerful Video and Transcript creation tool from Noble Samurai, called: Vidnami – All in one Video and Transcription Tool, Use existing content and more
Content Creation has it’s Challenges – do you feel Challenged by Content Creation?
Here is a 4min Video and Text with Tips on how to create Content Fast & Easy
How can I make use of Social Media if I don’t have time How can I make use of social media if I don’t have time to post all the time? I am Sigrid de Kaste from Stickybeak Marketing and that’s a very relevant question because being on social media, […]
An Example from Politics: The easy Way to loosing Clients
Here is how easy it is to lose clients, and what you need to do to gain and nurture them instead. Even political parties can easily loose their voters fast, when ignoring these foundational marketing methods.
Have you ever asked yourself: Can I update my own Website?
Here are two Videos that offer the Tips and Tools you need to update your own Website – and NO not one of those FREE Website Platforms ,your own Wordpress Site
If you have knowledge, you can turn it into an Online Course …but which is the Best Online Course Platform to create your course in? I was faced with this question when one of my clients had come across a European Online Course Platform and wanted to know if that […]