Impact, Influence, Inspire

Are you hiding behind excuses


Are you hiding behind excuses NOT to write your book because you feel you are not ready or you don’t have time right now?

Here is the danger you face:

An investment property coach has been in contact with me for several months now, moving the date to get started from one week to the next until today he saw the post of someone else coaching on property for investment announcing the launch of his book.
Shock – Horror!

Fight or flight, what will he do now?

‘Not being ready’, or ‘not having time right now’ are excuses for something entirely different going on for most people and here is what that can mean:

Some people think that ‘if I get started, I need to really look at what I actually offer clients’, and that can be confronting for some and when they do confront themselves and make that commitment to write that book, it is so liberating and clarifying in who they really want to work with and can target their book specifically to that reader.

Well established coaches who’ve been getting clients regularly and want to write their book to share their message and see the book as additional validation of their services often discover a new depth to what they really offer and who for, when they get my help to write their book and here is why:

Most people think writing a book starts with writing and only find out that’s NOT the case when they start marketing their book.

The truth is…marketing always comes first!

Clients who work with me start planning their book in the very first, one on one, session with me, and we dig deep to discover what specifically they want the book to do for them and therefore, who the book needs to be written for.

Every successful book was always written for a specific reader and you must do exactly that, know who the reader for your book will be.

Knowing who the reader will be tells you how and where you can reach that reader with your marketing and it also tells you how you need to write each chapter of your book.

For example, I wanted my first book to help me get into consulting and validate my specific staff training and team building methods. My expertise on finding and keeping great staff was based on my own businesses and my personal, proven method with around 5-8 staff in the business.

That meant the reader for my book would be business owners with around that number of staff and at the time, I would find them locally and via networking events, like chamber of commerce, for example.

Often clients of mine are surprised to go this deep into planning when they write their book with me and the many ‘post it’ notes they had stuck all over their office wall, because some other book writing coach had suggested they start with that, are being torn down fast because ‘post it’ notes do NOT bring out the level of detail you need to plan and write your book.

While this planning is the very first step people who get my help start with, the program is a start-to-finish proven framework from planning and writing your book, through to publishing and marketing it (including editing, layouts, and formatting). We leave nothing out!

We also work on how to position yourself as the recognized expert and authority in your field.

This is all about writing a book that is seen as credible, professional and an indication of your expertise. This is about recognition for who you are and what you know so the book spreads your message far and wide to the right audience.

And I show you step-by-step how to publish your book on Amazon (the multi-million member and global buyer platform), in both versions, Print and Kindle.

You’ll work with me over 6 weeks, 90min each week, and a couple of hours on your own, to put your part in place.

The program gets the best results for established business owners (getting great results for their clients) who now want to share their expertise more widely.

The investment for this start-to-end ‘expert status’ book program is mid-four figures, which is way underpriced, considering writing, publishing AND marketing are included!

Just PM me if you’re interested in this offer and we’ll chat to see if it’s a good fit for you and your business – or CLICK HERE where I share my framework.

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Invitation to Write your Book with Me

Read my full Invitation 

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