Impact, Influence, Inspire

Your Personal Brand


If You Don’t Define Your Personal Brand, Others Will!

A personal brand exists and if do not create it the way you want it to be, others will create it for you.

I was never a fan of promoting myself, always quiet in the background and when I realized no one knew about all the things I knew, I could not believe it!

You see, I had always been told to ‘wait my turn’ and ‘if I did the right thing and show good manners’ I’d be called upon – WRONG!

You cannot be called upon if no one knows about you!

The TOP way for people to get to know you, to get to know who you are and what you stand for, in your business, is to write a Book.

You can share exactly who you are and what you do for clients and how it benefits them and how it also can benefit the reader.

It was an amazing experience with my first book when conversation moved to my expertise and all I quietly said was: ‘I’ve written a book about that’, all eyes and their interest was on me. The people that were interested in the topic I had written about put me in the center and their interest made me ‘special’, I did not do that, my book did.

It was a rewarding experience and I became known for being able to help the businesses around me find and keep loyal and hardworking staff, just because of my book.

That first book of mine helped me define my brand at that time and even though I made a number of mistakes with that first book, I learned from it and everything I’ve since learned from that with clients too, lets me confidently offer my book writing, publishing and marketing program to established coaches, consultants and other experts.

I work with coaches, consultants and other experts on clearly defining what you want your book to do for you and in that process you will discover what topic to write on, who will read your book and that knowledge sets you up for the right way of writing the book for which my proven framework…
(…and NO this is not about generic templates or DIY work, this is working with me LIVE every session in my program!)
…gives you the detail on what exactly you need to write about and what not.

This part, not knowing how much needs to go into the book, can be a major hold back for many people wanting to write a book AND when done incorrectly or without a plan, contributes to people getting confused and overwhelmed so they either get stuck writing or they never start, always waiting for the ‘right time’!

People who get my help get my exact framework of writing & publishing a marketing optimized book and usually finish the entire process in as short as 6 weeks, ready to boost their brand.

PM me and we’ll chat to see if my method is a good fit.

Check out my Invitation to work with me HERE

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Invitation to Write your Book with Me

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