Impact, Influence, Inspire

What’s stopping you from writing your Book

What’s Stopping you from Writing your Book?

You know you could write a book, in fact, you really want to, so what is stopping you?

Most people in business who want to write a book want to share their expertise, but then, they wait and wait ‘to be ready’ and never write their book and if that is you, read on.

People don’t write that book, NOT because they cannot write or because they don’t have any ideas.

In fact, it’s more likely that they have TOO MANY ideas and don’t know where to focus to write a powerful, concise book.

The “secret” to writing an expert and expertise sharing book that attracts clients and opportunities has much more to do with your mindset — that is, how you’re thinking about your book, how long it should be, how you think you need to capture all you know in a single book…

Instead, were you to make the mental shift to how you’re approaching your book and its real purpose, you will see how fast and easy writing your book can really be, and here is what I mean by that:

When people who want to write a book come to me for help and start talking about their idea, they are focused on what they know and how their experience and expertise will help others and they want to put it all into a book, thinking that is how they can best share their message.

Often these people have already thought about a title for their book and had professional photos taken that they wish to use on the front cover of their book.

For example, a business coach who contacted me recently, asked me: ‘I love all of these new photos of me, which one do you think I should use for the cover of my book, that I want your help to write?’

And there was also a mindset coach, she already had a cover for her book ready because her graphic designer had this ‘great idea’ for the cover, yet she, the author-to-be, had not even thought about what exactly she wanted to write!

The truth is…NONE of these parts of your book matter UNTIL you have answered this one question, which is what clients who get my help, get asked and to get crystal clear on BEFORE they do anything else.

Asking yourself this question will shift how you’re thinking about your book so you can get clear on your topic, clear on your book’s purpose, and are able to quickly write a high-quality book that will actually help you position your expertise, raise your profile and attract the type of top clients and opportunities you really desire in your expert-based business.

Start thinking about your book with this ONE question:

What do you want to achieve by writing your book?

…and then keep asking, like this:

What do you want the book to do for you?

If that is (whatever you come up with) is what you want your book to do for you, who will you have to write it for?
…and that’s just three of the many, many more questions I ask people who get my help.

Sometimes each answer raises a new question, and my clients say: “Answering your questions got me to clearly articulate what it is that I do, even though I’ve been doing it for quite some time, and I thought I knew what I do and how my clients see it, this questioning gave me a new, deeper clarity about my work and my business and was just one of the benefits I got out of being asked about my book in this way!”

So, whether it is thinking you need ‘more time’ or you have so much in your head and don’t know how to get it on the page or you are focusing on the WRONG things to get started with your book, if you really WANT to get started, I have a six week framework that will take you through every step, from the planning, to the writing, publishing and a marketing strategy, right for you.

It’s a start-to-finish proven framework (including editing, layouts, and formatting). We leave nothing out!

The program kicks-off with a personalised 1:1 book strategy and planning session and then we have weekly, personalized group training and Q&A sessions (up to max 5 people). You’ll also have detailed instructional videos (which you can watch 24/7), worksheets and lifetime access to all the course material.

The program gets the best results for established business owners (who are getting great results for their clients) and now want to share their expertise more widely and use a book to attract new clients who are pre-sold and ready to work with them.


This is an ideal fit for business consultants and leadership coaches, health and wellbeing coaches or anyone in the field of personal development.

The investment for this start-to-end ‘expert status’ book program is mid-four figures, which compared to the time, energy and money spent trying to figure this all out on your own, engaging different processes for each phase and ending up with a disconnected path that jeopardises being able to market your book (I’ve seen 3-4 people a month with a finished book not able to be marketed!) this complete & interlinked approach is a total no-brainer!

I welcome your private message on FB if you’re interested in the 6-week program. Or contact me HERE.

I’m accepting clients right now to write your book ready to publish BEFORE Christmas and I can quickly see via chat if it’s a good fit for you and your business.

PM me via my FB Group:


Invitation to Write your Book with Me

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