Impact, Influence, Inspire

What is Multi Channel Marketing

What is Multi Channel Marketing

What is multi-channel marketing and why do I need it?

Hi, I’m Sigrid de Kaste from Stickybeak Marketing and this question comes to me quite often. Think of it this way, we have the opportunity to check for information on so many different channels. Meaning advertising on newspapers, online, mobile devices, just anywhere. Your customers are doing the same as you are, they are looking on social media, they are looking on websites. They’re checking for something and they see advertising everywhere.

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Multi Channel Marketing

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That is multi-channel. Social media, websites, blog posts, mentions by other sites of you and your product, or services potentially.

Really wherever your customers or potential clients are is where you really should be too.

Across multi-channels is where you need to display what you have to offer, where you need to show what you know about what you do, so that not only your clients can see you but they also get to see that you are everywhere. Just like they are.


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