Impact, Influence, Inspire

What can help me get more viewers to my Website

Are you asking: What can help me get more viewers to my Website?

Hi, I’m Sigrid de Kaste from Stickybeak Marketing, and that is the question I get asked quite often.

Is that something that you are asking yourself?

We do know that getting viewers to your website has several purposes. One purpose is obviously for them to contact you or to take that action that you are asking them to take.

The other is that the more activity that’s happening on your website, the more visitors that are coming there who will rank your site all overall highest so that you can up more often.

What can you do? There’s a number of things you can do.

One of them is to be represented visually on as many sites online as you possibly can go.

There are directory sites, there are all the social media sites and then there is your own website where you can regularly post articles or short snippets of new fresh information to make to interesting, but also for Google to see that your site is active from your end as well, and they will start showing you the more often.


Here’s a tool that we use with clients regularly which is very powerful. That tool is Twitter. We use Twitter accounts of clients and put very relevant new information, short Tweet, with the link to a page on the website.

Not necessarily the homepage, but a page somewhere, a product, a particular service, or the article that you have written and put that into Twitter. You’ll be amazed how quickly you will get a lot of viewers to your site.

They might not be the viewers that will purchase, but they will help overall on the activities side so that Google can see your site is being visited. That is one tool that you can use right away.

If you haven’t got a Twitter account yet set one up. Use it to to get more viewers to your site.

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