Let’s talk about Publishing your Book
Most people who write a book are not thinking about the publishing when they first start writing.
There is so much to just consider around the writing:
Where do I start with my writing? What do I want to say? How much time can I make every day to write my book?
…and many more questions like that until one day…the book is finished and you’re faced with the question:
- How do I get my book published?
- What is the first step?
- Will I get paid or do I have to pay for publishing?
…and quite a few more questions, people ask.
Watch my Video below for an overview and read the full post below the Video and get answers to your questions.
Whether you are at that stage just yet or not, it is good to know what is involved in publishing your book and which path to choose for your particular situation.
There are these (3) Ways to Publish your Book (but these are not all!)
(1) Let’s start with the Leadership Coach who wanted to top his long career with a book about his particular ‘take’ on leadership.
This coach has done work in the arts, he’s connected to some very well known names in film and theatre as well as in the music world. With a book he hoped to show his expertise, spread his name and be seen as a thought leader in the field of coaching executives in becoming inspirational leaders.
This coach engaged a literary agent to help him find a publishing house because he wanted to get paid for his book up front.
That’s the ‘traditional’ way of publishing.
When publishing houses held all the power, they’d decide who would publish a book and who not.
This type of publishing is mostly used and successful for well known personalities, like people in politics, film and tv.
The publishing house pays an upfront fee to the author in anticipation of book sales and a cut of every other activity they can arrange, for example, interviews and book speaking tours.
The author has an upfront sum and gets paid again only when whatever the amount that was set into contract to sell, has been reached and additional sales are made, although, well known people will get additional offers and certainly publicity.
The leadership coach mentioned above has still not been offered a publishing contract. The publishing houses his literary agent has contacted and works with ask the same questions:
- How many Social Media Followers does the Author have?
- Has the Author done a show reel of his speaking ability?
- What is on the list of speaking topics the Author has?
The leadership coach is still waiting to be accepted by a traditional publishing house, after over four years.
(2) You find a boutique publisher. There are many of these and the publishing details vary greatly.
When I finished my first book I was offered publishing simply by way of having thousands of books printed overseas to keep the cost price down per book so I’d make a profit in selling my book and the kindle version of my book was to go on to Amazon Kindle.
(Luckily I did NOT take this option or I might still have books in storage of that one! I went for self-publishing on Amazon and now show clients exactly how fast and easy this is, in my write & publish a book program)
One of my clients had her book published with a boutique publisher who set up an online sales page for her and promoted her book to their client list via email and a webinar.
(that was the extend of the marketing they offered)
They did however, give her tips on how to use promotional material, like flyers and bookmarks, to get more book sales.
Unfortunately, we discovered, when she came to work with me, that she was by her contract restricted to how she could market her book!
Lucky for her, the publisher was bought out by a larger one and her contract became void, which allowed her, working with me, to self-publish and market her book to be a number one bestseller on Amazon.
The key here is to read the contract you are offered in detail. The most common way of this type of publishing is to have your kindle published on Amazon and the paperback either offered via the publisher’s website or you get a certain amount of printed books and you are responsible to market and sell them yourself, including packaging and posting every single one.
(Although, most authors, statistically, never sell more than an average of 100 books a year, so manageable to package & post that number!)
(3) There is the self-publishing path, where you have full control over all parts of making money with your book and you do not have to buy and store a stack of books at home.
This is the most misunderstood way of publishing and it is full of misconceptions about its value.
Firstly, the process itself is simple and can take as little as a couple of hours, provided all parts of your book are prepared. (my clients start planning for this part even before they start writing their book)
Secondly, no one, not ONE person will ask you “WHO published the book” and decide to read or not to read it by who’s published your book. (and if someone actually does ask you, it is probably because they’d like to write and publish their own book and will come and ask you how you did it!)
Thirdly, this is the way to plan for and promote your book in exactly the way it will serve you. For example, a security consultant who offered a very specific way of setting up high end security planned to have his book serve him to find high ticket contracts for his security firm.
Having that specific outcome in mind, his book was written and promoted in all the channels online where people would be looking for high end security and the book itself offered details about how he undertook these security set ups.
He got several high end contracts from overseas clients who found and read his book via the Amazon system.
He did not make a lot of book sales but he got work contracts over $300,000 worth in his first six months of publishing.
That’s the type of book I help my clients write and publish and if that is something you would like help with, I offer a six week program that includes working with you on planning, writing and publishing your book.
I work with you on explaining your expertise in your book in a way it builds trust in you and naturally creates a bond with your reader so they will chose to want to work with you.
I also coach you on marketing techniques that will give high-ticket prospects the exact amount of information that they need – no more, no less – in order to see that you’re an expert who has what they need, and get them to reach out to.
And I also offer you life-time access to everything we work on, so you can write another book, or more, in the future, on other topics even.
(maybe I should not say this, but I’ve had clients who’ve used my method to teach their clients to write a book!)
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