Writing Content your Audience Engages with is not always easy
Here are my 7 Steps to Write Engaging Content and How to Distribute it
Let’s talk about ONE main thing the ‘gurus’ forget to mention when they tell you to create ‘great’ content and provide ‘value’ in your posts so people will contact you and want to work with you and you know perfectly well, that is NOT happening for you no matter how much you try, well…here is what you are NOT told:
It is easy to use phrases that ‘sound’ good, phrases like ‘great content’ and ‘value’ but the truth is, WHAT exactly does that mean and if you are not getting contacts reaching out to you from your posts, and you might be thinking writing a book – as long as it a ‘good’ book, will do the ‘trick’ and get you clients, think again!
Let’s take a look at what ‘great content’ means, because the ‘gurus’ never explain that (not that I have seen, anyway!)
And that is already the first issue:
- Some people think ‘great content’ means to talk about their extensive knowledge of the industry they are in
- To others ‘great content’ means to talk about their business or their service in detail
- Yet others might see ‘great content’ as talking about their achievements
None of those things are ‘great content’ that will make the reader want to work with you.
What WILL make the reader of your content want to work with you is describing how you help them. Specifically addressing their need in a personalized way and giving clear, straight forward examples of how you work with people.
When you make that clear in your posts you have the reader’s attention and they can form a picture in their mind about your expertise on the subject.
The second issue, and now we are talking about ‘giving value’, is that most ‘gurus’ will say that means to share ‘freebies’, like checklists, 5 or 7 tips on something, a list of what to do or not to do but in reality, you are just spending a LOT of time creating these ‘freebies’ and the reader can actually get those ‘checklists’ and tips all over the internet from anyone, so it does NOT make you special or stand out with expertise!
The same solution applies here, write down exactly WHAT you do for WHO and what they need to already have in place, in order for you to be able to help them.
For example, people who get my help writing a book are best placed when they are already established as a coach/consultant and not a ‘start up’ for these two reasons:
1.They have already got clients with whom their method worked and they can talk about that in detail in the book in order to attract more of the same.
2.They have a business direction they’ve already followed for a while, unlike coaches in start up mode who often change direction/their mind about what to write their book about and make it very difficult to work with.
So, great content and value is in how you explain it, in your posts and in your book – and clients come to me for both – so if you want my help, simply PM me
I offer a 6-week intensive for experienced coaches and other experts.
It is a start-to-finish proven framework from planning and writing your book, through to publishing and marketing it (including editing, layouts, and formatting). We leave nothing out!
I work with you on clearly defining what you want your book to do for you and in that process you will discover what topic to write on, who will read your book and that sets you up for the right way of writing the book, which you will start on, in most cases, in week two of the six weeks.
I also coach you on what type of marketing strategy you need to apply both, for marketing your book AND yourself (your business), in order to have the right people reach out to you, without questioning your expertise and authority.
And I also share with you my super-simple method for proof editing, formatting and publishing your book on Amazon, so you keep total control over your royalties and other income generated from every marketing and promotion activity you undertake with your book at the center.
You also get online access to my entire book writing, publishing and marketing framework, (videos, worksheets, recordings etc) and you can write a second, third or however many books you’d like to write, with this method, this lifetime access.
And you’ll get lifetime access to my ‘client only’ marketing method updates via email and LIVE session invitations where you can ask any questions you might have, even long after you’ve been my active client.
Just DM me if you’re interested in this offer and we’ll messenger chat to see if it’s a good fit.
Hope that helps!