Different People have Different Reasons for Writing a Book
I was recently reminded of a very different situation, a situation where different people having different reasons for writing a book and people asking themselves certain questions, or not, around what they want a book to do.

Different people have different reasons for writing a book:
• The person feels creative and loves to put their thoughts in writing.
• The person feels ‘guided’ to write because of something their inner voice tells them.
• The person has been told by people around them to write a book because they have amazing knowledge or achieve fantastic outcomes for their clients.
• The person came across some advertising, an email or saw an event to do with knowing or learning more about writing a book.
• The person feels ‘driven’ to write by a desire to share a message they feel everyone needs to know about.
Those are all valid reasons to write a book. In each case, a book can be the vehicle to take whatever the writer’s topic is, to a global audience.
A problem arises when the person writing the book does not start with a clear outcome in mind. And by that I mean, thinking about and getting clarity on what they want the book to do.
I’ll say that again, to be really clear: What do you want the book to do?
Here an example:
I had an inquiry a couple of weeks ago from someone asking if I offer editing. Before I answered that question, I asked why they wrote the book, what the book is about, who they wrote it for and it turned out, the book is a family history.
The person wrote the book collecting and collating details and photos from all the family members they were aware of. So it was not a business book a coach or consultant had written, which is the focus of my Write & Publish a Marketing Optimized Book in 6-Weeks or less.
This person wanted the book to be accessible to family members here in Australia and across the world.
Asking him that very question: ‘What do you want the book to do?’ immediately clarified the editing question, which actually was NOT editing that was required but proof reading, and it also clarified how this person needed to publish his family history book.
He had gotten a quote from a local printer/publisher to have a certain amount of copies of this book printed which he then would have to physically mail out to all family members who had already expressed an interest in owning one. Family members in Australia and in several overseas countries.
With that question: What do you want the book to do – asked and answered at the beginning, this person was able to publish his book online, using the Amazon platform because that means, each family member, no matter where in the world they are, can order a copy or as many copies as they wish, directly themselves, anytime, instead of the author having to collect and mail out each copy or copies.
A much simpler solution!
That question: what do you want the book to do – is always one of the very first questions I ask in my very first, one on one session with every client who comes into my Write & Publish a marketing Optimized Book.
Here another scenario where that question, asked at the beginning, will determine the writing, publishing and marketing path, for an author.
Someone asked me: ‘I have a book idea and a few chapters written as well as a book outline (or at least an outline for myself not sure if it’s the same thing as the professionals use). Am I a good client for your method?’
I directed this person to read my Offer Statement as it explains the details of my method and who it is best suited for.
She came back saying that the statement reads to her like the book to be a marketing tool for her expertise, and that she is not sure that’s the kind of book she’s writing.
A very interesting response, to which I asked her: ‘What do you want the book to do?’ , and followed it by: ‘What is the outcome you have in mind to achieve with your book?’
To wish I received this reply:
‘I just felt guided to write it. And I don’t have an outcome in mind but to show up for what I feel I’m being called to do.’
A very noble reason to write for a spiritually aware person, and I get the guidance she felt to write.
BUT how will she know what a ‘successful’ outcome for the book will be?
Who will want to read the book and how will these people know the book exists? These questions need to be answered BEFORE the book is written and published.
Even if this person is, like the author of the family history book, NOT in business, books are written for someone to read, and that is best determined BEFORE you start writing!
If you have started writing a book or are thinking about it, ask yourself this question right now. It lets you determine who you are writing for, it also shows you how and where the publishing and marketing path is, it even gives you a glimpse at what to put into the book and what not.
That’s exactly how I work with clients, from the time you start writing to when it’s published, and here is my offer:
It’s a 6-Week Program where I work with you an initial session 1:1 to clearly define the outcome you want to achieve with our book. (You don’t need to know what outcome you want to achieve BEFORE you start with me, we will work this out together!)
Then, getting complete clarity on who you are writing for, how they will read your Book and what they will do in response to reading your Book designs your chapter outline and makes for superfast writing of your book (some people have completed the writing in as little as three days!)
While the first session is 1:1, the following six are small group sessions (max 5 people), which is perfect for everyone in the group to get to know various ways of optimizing their book for marketing.
Just PM me if interested in this offer. It will be a quick chat to see if you’re a fit (we don’t have to get on a call), and if so, enrollment is fast and easy and I get you working on your first assignment the very same day and get our first call scheduled within a week or less.
Can’t wait to chat with you!