Impact, Influence, Inspire

Build Your Local Business with a Book

Your Book can Grow Your Local Business

Watch this short Video by Sigrid de Kaste, 2x #1 International Bestselling Author, Marketing Coach and Consultant and Director of Stickybeak Marketing

and Sandra Spence, Midwife and Breastfeeding Councellor, publisher of Natural Pregnancy Magazine and Coach helping Natural Practitioners set up their own successful clinic:


A book can grow a local business

Many people don’t realize that just because your book on Amazon gets global visibility it can just as easily be your local marketing tool.

Ask yourself these questions:

• Do you ever feel the pressure of competition in your area?
• Do you get price resistance?
• Do you answer the same questions of your clients all the time?

Once you have your book you have a high quality compilation of information that will help you stand out more than an article on your website or sales letter.

Best-Seller status gives you immediate credibility and authority and positions you as the go-to person.

Having a book works for absolutely any business, anywhere in the world.

Lets get you to be a bestselling author today!

Register to find out how we show you how to Write your Book