Impact, Influence, Inspire

Are you making this Mistake with your Book

Are you Making this Mistake with  your Book?

Are you making this Mistake with your Book?

A major mistake even highly educated and fully qualified people (like certified coaches or executive coaches) make with writing a book is that they rely solely on thinking:

Writing a Book starts with Writing

…and that is WRONG!

Unfortunately, these people won’t discover how wrong that is until AFTER they’ve published their book and are waiting for people to want it.

This raises a major problem for the writer AND for me:

My message to start writing a book with a Plan is often not seen by the writer or seen and ignored, because they are only focused on writing, starting to write and issues around writing.

AND interestingly, exactly that is the reason the writer is not getting a demand for their book once it’s published:

They wrote on a topic and with a title that does not catch the attention of the people the writer hoped would want to read the book!

I share all the details around writing a book, where to start, how to start, what goes into every part of the writing journey, including publishing and in particular the marketing in blog posts right here on my website.

If you want to stay in touch, sign up to receive an email a week with updates and invitations to my online events around writing, publishing and marketing your book. CLICK HERE

And if you want my help now, simply contact me right here, via one of the methods below, directly!

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