Impact, Influence, Inspire

Your Book Your Lead Generation Tool

Why Use Your Book to Get Traffic, Generate Leads, and Build Your List?

The Money is in the List!

Your Business Value increases dramatically when you have a vast and active list of past, current and potential customers

But how do you collect a List with your Book?

Watch the Video below where we chat about how exactly you can do that and where we have built exactly that as part of your book writing strategy into our 3-Day Intensive Write, Publish and Promote your Book Course!



How do you get leads for free with your Book?

We show you how to plan your book in a way that enables you to thread income streams throughout the chapters.

Each chapter can contain a Call to Action encouraging the reader to follow a live link and visit a web page where they will enter their contact info in exchange for a free gift.

Your free giveaway can be many things depending on your business

• PDF report
• Sample of a physical product
• Audio of your book
• Consultation call

You can do the same with a physical book too, and we show all you the strategies that work in our upcoming course.

So if your ready to share your:

• Knowledge & Expertise;
• Life Changing Experiences;
• Inspirational and motivational messages;
• Amazing personal story

Start NOW –  It’s time to finally write your book and become a self-published author on Amazon!