Impact, Influence, Inspire

When you think you need Help Writing


Is it really help with Writing that you need?

When I get this question:

“I want to write my book about my personal life and women empowerment, I’m a women’s health & fitness coach, but I’m not a writer, so I need help writing.”

My answer is this:

You don’t need to be a ‘writer’ to write about something you do in your business daily.

If you are coaching, teaching or guiding people to move away from what they don’t want to what they do want and these people are happy with the outcome, you have everything you need to write a book about your expertise and that book can help and attract more people to want to work with you…

…and here is why:

Writing your book starts with you deciding on a clear why you want to write. What outcome do you want to achieve by writing your book?

The first thing I ask every client is what they want the book to do for them and when the answer is to ‘empower’ women, we need to drill deeper.

Empowering women with your book is NOT an outcome for YOU.

What is it you want to achieve by writing a book?

And here is one answer I got recently to that question and why it is partially a great answer:

She said: “To further promote my message and help more people get past their trauma.”

The great thing about this answer is that the first part is definitely an outcome for the author.

We can now drill into what it will look like to write her book to ‘further promote’ her message and one way to that is by checking who exactly those people are who so far have responded to her message and become her clients.

We ask questions like: who are these people, why did they respond to her message and what are they saying about their experience working with her?

You see, it always starts with questions, loads of questions that take you deeper and deeper into the layers that give you answers about what ‘further promoting your message’ will do for you.

In this case it was about the book giving credibility to the author’s particular way and modality of helping survivors of domestic abuse regain their self-confidence.

When you write your book with that in mind, to gain credibility for how you help people, it opens up the strategy and plan how you will need to promote your book, for example, in this scenario one great way to promote the book is by speaking and creating content that shares insights into outcomes her modality achieves, while mentioning where in the book that information can be found, rather than constantly posting: ‘Buy my book, buy my book’.

To highlight and support your credibility with your book it is important it is written around your major, or master expertise and you then use your book and speak about and write about what is in your book.

This way you are creating interest from the people you help and when they want to know more and buy your book, with my help, you would have written each chapter in a way it allows the reader to get to know, like and trust you, with the directive to reach out to you.

You see, all parts of your book, the writing, the way you write, the chapter headlines and of course your book title are parts that help you to reach that outcome you have in mind.

And even the way I show you how to publish your book, professionally formatted with the easy-to-use Amazon Online Tools, uploaded and published in one sweep in both, Print and Kindle Version, are part of achieving your outcome in mind.

I hope this helps – and if you’d like my help with your book, simply send me a PM for a chat and we’ll see if your book idea is a good fit for my 12-Week Program.

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