Impact, Influence, Inspire

Target Market Tips

Target Market Tips to Identify Your Target Market

You’ve heard it before: be clear on your target market, who is your buyer? Do you know your target market in detail?

There are a number of great questions you can ask, like:

  • Who are my ideal customers?
  • What are their pain points?
  • What is their ultimate desire?
  • What problems do they have?

All great questions to identify your target market, make sure though you go behind the initial answers to these questions:

Watch this short video:

There are more than one layer to the above questions about your target market.

Never assume, use facts! When you ask yourself above target market questions, go deeper and find out how the pain points or desire affects your target market.

Use these target market tips to re-visit who you are targeting with your products or services and what you can really deliver for your target market

You are the expert in your field, your target market is not. That’s why they come to you. Work on understanding the deeper pain points and desires your target market has

My Target Market Tips:

  • When you answer the question:
  • What are their pain points, also answer:
  • How does that affect them?
  • Where else does my target market feel the pain?
  • What other ways can I offer pain relief to my target market?

Can you see how that goes further and digs deeper into understanding your target market and therefore being more prepared and focused on providing exactly the solution your target market is looking for?

Now, how would it be if you could collect a list of prospects and as you do, your target market is automatically being segmented? Fast and Easy…

YES, your book can do exactly that …BUT you have to write it with that in mind

Check out how the strategic framework that I’ve created helps you do that CLICK HERE