Impact, Influence, Inspire

Not Enough People

When Not Enough People Know About You



…and how to fix that with a Book
Sigrid in Hong Kong

When Sue was made redundant, she decided to become a Social Media Coach. She was experienced in using Social Media, specifically to promote events, as she had done that in her last job for the company, on a voluntary basis.

Through word of mouth her business grew initially well and her success spurred her on to grow her business until one day, the marketing manager of a company she had sent a proposal to, said: “I don’t know you, and others in my industry have not heard about you either. I can’t accept a proposal from an ‘unknown’ in the industry!”

Sue wanted that contract and she wanted to become known, not only in the marketing industry, but in other industries that need event promotion via Social Media, too.

There were two important things for Sue to consider:

  1. How does she become known by more people?
  2. How fast can she do that?

Speed is often of the essence in business. If not you, who will come along and be ready faster?

This is where I have experienced myself, how having a Book, published on a globally accessible platform, like Amazon, can be the most powerful marketing tool to be seen and known!

Authorship gives Expert Status almost instantly and Amazon itself promoted my Book, at no cost, to its millions of members, with their regular email newsletters!

Yes, really! …and a finished manuscript can be published immediately.

Now the only question left is, how fast can one write a Book?

We’re talking about a Book, designed for Business, to highlight knowledge and depth of expertise of a Topic.

Sue wrote and published her book in less than a week. She was able to draw on her experience with her clients as the foundation for her book and because she had achieved great outcomes for her clients with her Social Media process, there was plenty to write about.

…although that particular contract she was after, was given to someone else, she managed to pull in some very lucrative contracts with other companies.

Here is how she did that:

Once published, she sent a copy of her book directly to the decision maker in a company she wanted to get a contract with. Amazon has a special ‘gift’ service, (not in all countries, check it out for where you are) and they send a ‘gift wrapped’ book to whatever address you add.

What a difference a Book makes!

…but please, I do NOT recommend it is left to the last minute, to start writing a book!

6 Weeks is my recommended, and workable, program timeframe, and that allows for the book to be fully marketing optimized.


What that exactly is, depends on the individual business, for which my initial one-on-one planning session is set up.

If you’re interested in working together so you can have your Book written and published, fully Marketing Optimized,  please reach out. Simply send me a message. I’ll ask you a few questions, share info about how we would work together, and if it’s a fit, we’ll get started

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