Impact, Influence, Inspire

Hot Tip to Impact and Inspire with your Book

Hot Tip to Impact and Inspire with your Book

Hot tip: So much of how to impact & inspire with your message through a book

…comes down to really basic marketing and the reason loads of women lack success once their book is published is the simple fact – they NEVER planned how to achieve success.

You see, the confusion starts when people think they have a valuable message and insights gained over many years in business but then they let go of their knowledge how they achieved their business success with the right marketing strategies and follow outdated ‘book marketing’ advice that focuses solely on ONE event: sales at the book launch!

The truth is, making impact and inspiring others with your unique message around your experiences and expertise has to start BEFORE you write your book, and here is why:

What do you do when you want to achieve something?

You put a clear vision into your mind of what you wish to achieve.

For example, let’s say you want to lose a little bit of weight, just enough to fit into that gorgeous dress you bought last spring and you only wore it once.

You start with checking what exactly you eat in a day and by realizing you reward yourself with an ice cream every day after lunch and you sit most of the day at the computer, you already have the clues what to do to lose weight.

Step one might be you drop the daily ice cream reward and step two might be you go for a walk every day.

In exactly the same way, clients who get my help to write their book, for example, start with a clear vision of the outcome they wish to achieve with their book.

You know your story has the potential to inspire, impact, and resonate with others so we start to check how, for who and where the book will help achieve that.

This pre-writing planning work will lead you to be able to quickly and smoothly determine who to write your book for.

Why is this important?

Just like you select the best suited clients to do business with, you want to write your book for interested readers instead of relying on a ‘one day’ book launch sales campaign to ‘find’ readers.

Secondly, by knowing who you’re writing your book for, you will easily find what your book title needs to be to attract that reader.

You see, whether it’s to inspire, educate, or entertain, having a clear outcome in mind provides direction and motivation to write your book and achieves success.

I always emphasize the importance of planning the outcome and that guides your writing process to achieve a specific goal, which is very much ‘basic marketing’.

If you’re confused about WHERE exactly to start writing, or have started and now want to know ‘what next’, or maybe you’ve got loads of questions around writing, publishing and marketing a book and can’t find answers…

Here is your opportunity…

If you crave clarity and a kickstart for your book, Prepare, Position and Pitch your Book Idea in a safe, supportive and caring Mastermind environment.

Pitch your Book Idea and get valuable Feedback that lays out not only your next step but helps you design your entire book journey, including what to do AFTER the book launch.

Secure YOUR spot for 1. March now because I only take 10 people.

This is so we have the time each person needs to pitch their book idea and can get all the feedback they need – for more details and to book, click here:

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