Can you write a Book & have People reach out to Work with you?
If you were to message 791 prospects, but only get one response… asking you to never message them again, would you continue to use this method of outreach?
You see, when marketers teach people to reach out to contacts via messenger they rarely teach you a strategy that would make such outreach successful and without a business aligned strategy none of your marketing will work, not even writing a book to add depths to your message and credibility…
…yet that is what you get with most of the ‘traditional’ help to write your book.
How do I know that?
…because I have people reach out to me, almost 1-2 a week, who have finished writing and publishing their book only to find, now it’s time for marketing and they don’t know how to promote their book because it does not ‘fit’ into their overall business strategy.
That’s why I developed my strategic book writing framework, custom-built for busy, successful Coaches so running a business and writing your book isn’t a problem AND your book does not become ‘another thing’ to market, but is an integral part of marketing you, your brand, and your business.
Your book becomes the one space for people to stay and get to know all of it, not just snippets of your work.
You can make your book your central library of outcomes you help clients achieve and warm up the reader to want to know more from you (they reach out to you, instead of the other way round)
With a book you also have a central pool of material to write your social media posts with, any articles for publications and a place to go back and forth to when you’re called for interviews, podcasts or to comment on your subject matter anywhere.
Let’s come back to messenger outreach – imagine you send 102 book links to targeted prospects, as part of an overall strategy, and you get 89 thank you replies, 5 people engage into conversations over several weeks to eventually become 2 new clients…
A VERY different messaging outcome, right?
If you want to write a Book and are looking to reap REAL benefits from your authorship, such as…
Credibility, wider recognition, validation AND selling your services non-salesy in a way that brings Clients to you, already convinced you’re the expert they need and they’re ready to buy…because of your Book…
…then don’t pay a fortune for all sorts of disconnected marketing activities.
Don’t look for ‘traditional’ book writing help either, and the ‘top up’ of a costly one-day number one position on Amazon, instead, write your book to position your signature expertise long term and make a real difference and a powerful impact.
Which is what people who get my help to write their book experience.
And as you describe what you do, chapter by chapter, your book practically writes itself because you KNOW your own subject matter, so you can continue running your business.
I walk you through the writing and also the straightforward publishing process and we create your marketing plan, which is essentially already predetermined: because you want to get your main message inside a book in front of your potential ideal client.
Positioning your book around your expertise gives you more marketing power and sales success than a momentary number one bestseller status ever can.
It all comes down to this…
Do you want to work for your book, having to spend time and money to market it, or do you want your book to work for you?
BEFORE you start writing, TALK to me, spots to work with me are opening up, so reach out and I’ll happily answer your PM.