Impact & Inspire with a Book

Book Title

Cute is for Kittens & Puppies NOT your Book Title

CUTE IS FOR Puppies and Kittens!

Well, here is what that phrase made me think of:

So many people who start writing a book do a deep dive into all sorts

of areas of their business and write about everything they know

and have experienced or they tell stories and client outcomes

as examples to how well they help people and after a while of writing they get stuck.

How to select a useful Book Title

They might call it ‘writers’ block’ or running out of ideas or maybe they just feel overwhelmed with writing a little bit every day and feel they are just not getting anywhere.

Some people don’t worry too much and put the writing aside for a few months that turn into a year or two and occasionally, when they hear other people talk about writing a book, they chip in and say something like: “Yes, I’m writing a book too”, and at that point they might be asked: “What are you writing about? What’s the title of your book?”

This jolts them back to realizing: “Oh, no, I don’t have a title yet!”…and they are out there in social media asking in groups:

“Which of these titles do you like best?”…and they offer a number of titles they’ve come up with for their book, hoping people will really like one of them more than the other so they can have a title ‘people like’, because that is what they read on Google that you do with marketing:

‘find what the people like, not what you like, but the people you want to read your book’

Here is where the phrase ‘cute is for kittens’ popped in my head because when you see these titles up for a vote they are ‘cute’ titles and people even use the word ‘cute’ when they comment on such a ‘vote for the best title’ post.

NO… NO… NO…do not leave your book title up for a vote by ‘random’ people!

You do not need a ‘cute’ or ‘clever’ sounding title to make your book stand out and people want to buy it.

You need a title that does two things:

Firstly, you want to select the title before you start writing the first word of your book so you know exactly what the book is about and who you are writing it for.

Your book title is your guide to writing your book!

If it appears to you that famous people, people who are already well known, choose ‘cute’ or ‘clever’ sounding titles that don’t really say or mean anything, then you are mistaken.

Behind every book published by a well-known or famous person is a well thought-out and planned marketing campaign that relies on the fame of the person to promote the book!

Select your book title before you start and let it guide you to what to write for whom to read which leads to knowing how to market it, meaning, making is seen by the people who you wrote it for.

Secondly, you are best to choose a book title that catches the attention of the person you are already working with as client and achieve great outcomes for with your expertise. That way you are able to attract and connect with more them.

For example, instead of a book title like: ‘Effortlessly Happy’, with a bit of research and my question and answer process in session one of my write & publish a marketing ready book in 6-weeks or less, we discovered with a mindset coach that a much more attractive and useful title for her book was: ’How 10 Minutes Dreaming a Day leads to a Happier You’.

With a title like ‘Effortlessly Happy’ it is very open and broad what is to go into the book and you do not know who exactly you would attract as a reader.

When this mindset coach decided on the title: ‘’How 10 Minutes Dreaming a Day leads to a Happier You’, it was very clear what she would write about and in which order she would present it in her book chapters.

And by the way, selecting a researched rather than a ‘cute’ title at the very beginning of writing the book, is one reason why people who join my program do achieve writing and publishing their book within 6-weeks or less!

I think a lot of people spend too little time at the start of writing their book on simply writing and waiting for’ inspiration’ down the track to find the right title.

My clients and I spend the time before they start writing one single word to look at their business, what the best outcomes are they achieve with their clients and research within their clients and business what the best title for their book is.

The notion ‘build it and they will come’ or in this case: ‘write it and they will want to read it’ does not work and I have testament to it from working with clients since approx. 2014 on this!


Clarity in your book title is king! Anything else, like cute or clever, will not attract the reader you want.

If you need help sorting out where to start with writing your book, connect and PM me right here on FB. I work with people over 6-weeks to clarify their outcome, what they want to achieve with their book, the book title and chapters in a way writing the book can take as little as a weekend (or, if they prefer, a couple of hours a week) and prepare the marketing inside the book and a plan outside on how the right people will get to see and want to read their book before they publish it (just like the ‘pros’ do, meaning the well-known and famous people!).

I also give you my complete framework for writing, publishing and marketing your book that you can use over and over, to make writing any book in the future fast and easy without needing any help!

Use one of the ways below and PM me, if you would like help with your book in the way I describe in my blog posts.

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