Impact, Influence, Inspire

Start Up Business

I’m a start up business, how can I market myself low Cost?

Starting a Business should include setting a Marketing Budget. While there are low cost activities you can do, with a budget you start your business on serious and solid footing



Hi. I’m Sigrid de Kaste with Stickybeak Marketing, and that’s a great question because when you start a business, quite often you forget to actually budget for marketing.

  • The first thing really should be a budget for some marketing. No matter how small, every start up business needs marketing and setting a budget makes it important to attend to


  • When you do your business plan, allocate a certain portion towards marketing. If you haven’t done that or it’s a really tiny portion, then start in this way.


  • Do a plan. Look at who you are wanting to target, who are your customers, and have a look at where they are and what they are expecting from you, where they are looking for you

Important: If you REALLY want to get results FAST, you will want to check out our Goal Setting Step by Step Online Course.
We designed it specifically for busy small business owners who want to succeed and don’t have the time and money to take a full course, but still want to tap into the mind-boggling results that a well laid out plan can bring to their businesses.

CLICK HERE for MORE on Planning and Goal Setting for Start Up Business

Goal Setting for Start Up Business

  • Then create a very clear and specific plan on what you need to do in your marketing to connect with those customers, with those clients.

That is the surest way to grow your start up business.

What that means is you have to do it all yourself, and you can. With everything that you have available these days, with all the various online platforms and opportunities, yes you can at a reasonably low cost market yourself, but you will have to invest the time and at least some money.

So you will need to balance between is it worth your time to spend the time, or is it worth budgeting a bit more to have some of it done?

But make a plan. You need to create a plan so that you know what needs to be done. It makes it so much easier.

  • Write a marketing plan for yourself. You can do this with simply writing down a few bullet points starting with what outcome, or end result, you have in mind for your business

Get your Start Up Buisness Goal Setting Action Plan CLICK HERE

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Thinking about your end result will make it clearer where to start and what you need to actually do!

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