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Multi Channel Marketing

What is Multi Channel Marketing and Why do I need it?

Here is a short Video answering this Question:


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Here is the Video transcribed for those who prefer reading:

What Multi Channel Marketing is

  • Have you heard the buzz about multi-channel marketing? Implementing a multi-channel marketing approach in your campaigns and programs will help you be where your buyers are, which is essential in order to stand out in a crowded market. Buyers are savvy and complete the majority of their research online so you really need to be there, when they are looking for your products or services.
  • Multi Channel Marketing is simply knowing where your customers and clients are frequently looking and searching or interacting in relation to your products or services and then being visible there
  • Let’s say you sell Office Supplies and you have a Website. That is only ONE channel you are using to be visible to your prospects. You would be relying on Google showing your website on page one for search terms your prospects might type into the search box
  • How many other Office Supplies Businesses do you know? Probably heaps! So it’s not very realistic that you will come up easily on page one, even with expensive SEO tactics
  • Here is how Multi Channel Marketing can help you and boost your visibility. Firstly, know who your buyer is and what they would be searching for
    Knowing who your buyer is helps you to know where they might be looking for information and what sort of information they may be looking for
    Multi Channel Marketing is about selecting the platforms
  • Create information in the form of articles, free reports, videos and audios and distribute it on all the channels you know your buyers like to use
    That might be Facebook or it might be LinkedIn. Would it be both? Possible, but do your research into your buyer and it will be easier for you to select a variety of channels to offer your expertise on
  • So in short, Multi Channel Marketing is being with information and targeted calls to action on as many channels as you can find out your buyer uses
    Include here channels, or platforms, you can use to send prospects from to you. That might be a related business who has complimentary products or services

Who needs to set up Multi Channel Marketing

You’ve probably already guessed it, you do need Multi Channel Marketing! Everybody who wants to compete in today’s business environment needs to be visible on more than just one or two channels

Local Business is searched for online, people talk about local businesses in Social Media but print media may also be important for you, if you are a local business

Where do you start with Multi Channel Marketing

Promoting your programs and campaigns across channels can feel a bit like guesswork without a plan. Get the most out of your efforts by creating a specific multi-channel plan for each individual campaign with associated goals. You can grow what you can measure and change what does not work when you what does work

Here is your Opportunity to Test Drive our All in One Marketing System, quick and easy, and see how you can set up Multi Channel Marketing Campaigns super fast, recurring!


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