Impact, Influence, Inspire

Mobile Marketing

How does mobile marketing attract new clients?

Mobile marketing, what is it?

Well, your clients, your customers are mobile. They use mobile phones, they use tablets, they use their laptops on the go.

  • Mobile Phones are used 24 hours a day, make use of this opportunity and reach more clients with Mobile Marketing

On one hand that is mobile marketing, by being visible on those devices to your potential customers and clients, so make sure you are represented online.

  • Even if you are a local business, you still need to consider your customers and your clients, they are looking online anywhere any time, so be there and take part in mobile marketing.

A great way to attract new clients with mobile marketing is what Stickybeak Marketing offers with the SMS text messaging.

  • You can create lead capture pages and send prospects there to sign up for information or offers directly with your phone. When you are on a trade show, a trade event, or at a conference, or maybe you are a speaker presenting yourself somewhere, using text messaging is a powerful way to create a new list of potential clients, of prospects for yourself by using SMS messaging to offer them something that they might like to opt in for.

For instance if you are presenting, offer them a copy of your slide show that you might be showing, get them to get their phone out there and then to text their email to a particular number that you have set up beforehand, and Voila!l… you are creating a list of prospects for yourself.

  • That’s the most powerful mobile marketing method that we are applying for our clients and you can too



             CLICK HERE  and check it out


It’s hands on and comes with a complete 30 Day Course on how to set up Lead Capture Systems –

So, to re-cap, mobile marketing is being visible on all mobile devices, including using mobile advertising.

  • Mobile marketing is also capturing new customers and leads on the go, while you are mobile. For example at a trade show or networking event. With a mobile marketing system you can easily capture new leads, build your list and start sending information and offers to them



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