Impact, Influence, Inspire

Google Inside Information

Here is How Google Search Works

by Sigrid de Kaste


Google Search is the way you and I go about our online searching for people, things and places and how Google pops up suggestions for us

…knowing the details on how search works is, of course, totally relevant for us when we want to attract new potential customers to our website

You might have been busy selecting the right keywords, searching for product or service you think your potential customers find most irresistible, even looking at copywriters to connect on language with your target market… and still, your site is not coming up as you’d like it to!

Well, check out the new Google Website and how they explain how search works


What you need to know about “The Robots”

When you hop on over to Google’s new site on how search works, you’ll find out a little bit about how the crawling works and why

I think it’s always important to also know the why behind things, that way you might be able to apply the knowledge in other ways and other areas also

So, with the crawlers on your page…be aware all links are in place..oh…and of course, assure your pages have been marked: crawl

Something we at Stickybeak Marketing make sure is part of getting your website set up


Why it’s Complicated

I’m sure you’ve heard Google Algorithms get written and re-written frequently, well the reason is that Google wants us all to have the very best search experience

Not only that, it’s got to be the most relevant information that comes up when we search or, let’s be honest, we’d give Google the flick and search somewhere else..!

The new How Search Works site does not go into details, and I’m sure you and I’d would not really need the details or we’d be trying to beat it…which is not fair is it?

We’d just try to get our sites on page one…so follow the part on Algorithms and be content with the visual – because it’s complicated!

If you are a business owner with a website and you’d like to get a better ranking, contact us, we offer the most up to date solutions to get you found


What You can Do to be Found

So here we go…it’s NOT about your website looking like a million dollars…expensive graphics and header flash…. it’s about

  • FRESH content,
  • RELEVANT content,
  • Safety in searching on your pages,
  • Ease of navigation on your website…

We’ve got a great questionnaire which lets you identify if your home page has the 12 most important elements, click here to grab it


Your “Get out of Jail” Card

So what is it you should absolutely NOT do that could get you into Google’s ‘Jail’?

Google Search

Just like you and I, Google does not like spam and here are a number of things considered spam by Google:

  • Hidden Text and Keyword stuffing
  • Unnatural Links from a site
  • Thin content with little value
  • Parked Domains
  • Pure Spam
  • Free Hosting sites creating Spam
  • Sneaky Re-direct
  • Hacked Sites

Be mindful of having any of the above in place…if you’re not sure, contact us and we’ll find out if any of above have slithered into your site and prevents it from coming up in searches

Check out Google’s new inside search site here, it’s very well done

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