Impact, Influence, Inspire

Google Calendar

Cool Tool  – Google Calendar

Have you explored Google Calendar yet? It’s a cool tool and very useful for personal and business

Google Calendar allows you integration for your entire team. You can schedule events quickly and check if your team members are available and you can share separate calendars with who you wish to.

And importantly, you can access it from your phone, tablet or laptop anywhere, anytime.

Here are 3 useful points about Google Calendar:

Share your calendars online! This ‘cool tool’ has an easy way of publishing calendars on the web. That way you can update your customers on your upcoming events, let them know if you’re available at certain times and much more. You could integrate your Calendars directly into Google Sites as well!

Easily migrate your calendars! You could migrate your business calendar files from legacy systems such as iCal, Outlook or Excange. You could also migrate your calendars directly from .ics or .csv files.

Check for free meeting rooms or shared resources! To set up shared rooms or resources and add them to Calendar events is very easy. Then you can browse through your calendar and reserve conference rooms, projectors or foosball tables.

Top 3 Questions asked about Google Calendar:

1. Can I create a group calendar?

Yes. You can create a calendar that’s accessible to everyone in your organization. For example, you might want a group calendar for events like team holidays and regular meetings.

2. Can I migrate and sync all my calendars?

Yes. Calendar migration options are available for many types of calendars, including both Lotus Notes and Microsoft environments

3. Does Google Calendar have event reminders?

Yes. By default, Google Calendar displays a pop-up reminder 10 minutes before an event. You can change reminder times within Calendar’s settings
