Impact, Influence, Inspire


Top 3 Google Tools Every Business Needs

by Sigrid de Kaste

Have you heard about Google+ and what it does?

We all know Google when we want to find something…..we simply”Google it’ right?

Well there is a whole lot more to Google and it keeps just getting better by the day. Google has so many tools you can use for both, business and private use, it’s quite incredible

I found this cool, short video by Martin Shervington, one of my Google+ contacts, and he’s done a great job giving you an overview of Google +

Martin was happy for me to share it here with you:




How can you make use of the Google Power?

As a local business owner you might already have set yourself up on Google Places for Business, a great way to add power to your online visibility for your business

There are a number of tools you should explore of which the Google Keyword Tool is one. The Google Keyword Tool will help you better understand what your customers are searching for

Keywords are useful for your website but also when you set up your Google Places listing and of course your Google+ page should also be considered with your keywords on mind

That’s really only the start…check out this short video Martin did, where he gives 5 reasons why every business would want to join Google now:




Where can you get more detail on the Top 3 Google Tools for Business?

At Stickybeak we’ve identified 3 top tools you can use in your business to increase your visibility online with including your website and create some amazing material to promote your business in so many more ways you probably have not even considered yet!

We’ve worked with clients for a while now on integrating Google tools into their business and because there are so many great ways and cool features, in Google+ but also overall online for you, we’ve started weekly web events you can view every Tuesday while you’re having lunch without racing off somewhere

Simply click and sign up here or right of the screen, in our sidebar, and come along to watch and listen on your computer this Tuesday

This week’s topic: Top 3 Google Tools every Business needs

See you there!