Impact, Influence, Inspire

Email Newsletters

Top 5 ‘Must Have’ Newsletter Items

Have you ever wondered what elements are ‘must have’ in a Newsletter?

An email newsletter can serve a number of different purposes, and so at the very beginning it is for you to decide what YOUR purpose of creating and sending an email newsletter is

Do you simply want to stay in touch, do you want to up date people, do you want to send offers and make sales, do you want referrals or do you want a combination of all that?

Whichever you decide, setting yourself goals to achieve with each newsletter or a goal to achieve with a campaign is a good idea as it will give you more focus


So when it comes to the ‘must have’ elements of your newsletter, here are the top 5 to consider:


1. Relevance

One of the most fundamental elements of a newsletter is it’s relevance to the reader. Make sure, whatever topic you put into your newsletter, it has relevance to your readers. You will need to know your readers well and with that, what they are looking for in a newsletter from you. Relevance is also important in light of HOW they got on to your newsletter list which may require a different approach to different readers


2. Be Natural, Be Yourself

Write at least part of your newsletter as you would speak to your customer or client in a natural, personal way. This brings you closer to the person who receives it and shows who you are – a real person


3. News

Seeing it’s a “news’ letter, putting news into it makes sense. You can use general industry news or news from your own business. You could also use news from an associated service or business…


4. Special Offer

Depending on your goal with your newsletter, making a special offer can work very well. Many large companies send monthly newsletters full of special offers only however consider in this your long term outcome and how this reflects on your ‘branding’ or image. It may be a better fit to occasionally make a special offer which really makes it special then


 5. Pictures

It is so true…a picture speaks a thousand words…not only that, it breaks up text. Some professionals are keen to put a lot of very relevant information into their newsletters and therefore a lot of text however, we do all know, and it is statistically and with heat map eye movement proven that pictures attract more than bulk text. so, consider relevant pictures, well spaced to guide they eye without overloading it


There you are with 5 top tips for your newsletter

One more thing to mention, and that is: are you writing and setting up your own newsletter or are you getting it done for you? Either way, it is a good idea to be part of the planning

If you prefer to do your own newsletters at this stage, check out the list of top performing email marketing platforms from 2012

Stickybeak Marketing uses iContact, the award winning one, and you can too

In fact, you can CLICK HERE and sign up to the top email marketing platform with a 30 day trial

Best Email Marketing Platforms in 2012

Best Email Marketing Platforms



When you are ready to have your email newsletter done for you, check out what Stickybeak has to offer HERE


Email Marketing