Impact, Influence, Inspire

Customer Service Language

What’s Your Customer Service Language?

It’s the time of the year where everyone is tense…stressed and under time pressure and it all makes for a bad time at the shops

You’re out there in a rush wanting to purchase and the line up at the check out is long or you’re strolling through the aisles and not a soul in sight to give you some product information…and you get ‘rattier’ and ‘rattier’ so when finally someone shows up you snap!

Has that happened to you?

So what can we as business owners do and teach our staff to do to diffuse the situation?

Sales really is about the ‘right’ language and not only to get and close the sale but also to calm down heated minds

Michael Hess in his article on CBS Money News quotes 6 words that make it easier to calm customers and achieve positive outcomes:

  1. Delighted
  2. Aboslutely
  3. Pleasure
  4. Happy
  5. Sorry
  6. Yes

…you might already be using some or all of these in your sales interaction however it’s a good idea to be conscious of it and work with it

The more energetic and positive and outcome focused you are the more likely any stressed customer will let go and work with you

How do you prepare your staff for this?

  • Put regular weekly sales meetings in place and go through situations your staff might have experienced so all can learn from it
  • Set an example yourself and focus on positive, clear communication with customers
  • Keep in mind, most customers are not mad with you….they are just under pressure right now so give them some leeway …why?

They can just as quickly hop online and buy than coming back to you…and that’s not what you want, you’d really rather want to help them with your goods and services, wouldn’t you?

This is a time of year that can be make-or-break your business because customers are at their most sensitive and frazzled. So if you’re not already actively working on your customer service language, now’s a really good time to start — more than ever, business success depends on making people happy — and an unguarded phrase can quickly turn a smile upside down

Happy Customers…Happy You!