Impact, Influence, Inspire

Business Growth

Business Growth Ideas

4 Simple Tips to Help you Grow Your Business


As a business owner, sometimes the hardest thing is simply getting your brand out into the world. Here are some business growth tips that can help you boost your business …

1. Give your product away…for free!

When going to special events or festivals where you can advertise your business and product, one simple way to promote yourself is to give away yourprodct for free. This has been proven to grab interest in the consumer, and if your product is liked enough, it will undoubtedly result in a boost to both your reputation and sales in the long run

2. Send a weekly email

There is no better way to keep in contact with your customers than to simply send a weekly email. It connects you to your customer and makes sure that you are at the forefront of their mind. Often if your content is interesting enough, your customers can forward your emails to their contacts

3. Create an event

Creating an event that you and your customers can attend is a great way to connect and meet personally your clients as well as leave a lasting impression. If your business specialises in anything, focus your event on that and make it educational. Explain how useful your business/product is and why they should go to you rather than your competitors

4. Maintain your online presence

The most popular businesses are those that have multiple means of contact and presence online. Having a range of social media accounts, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and many others is a great way of keeping your customers interested in you and your business, especially if you can put a face to your business