You are in the right Place if …
You have finished writing your Book & are ready to Publish it for Global Impact
Let me take you by the hand and show you every step of publishing your book on the multi-million member Amazon platform and gain global visibility for your book.
I’m so glad you’re here, and here is why:
Whatever you’ve heard about publishing so far, let me tell you, people focus way too much on finding a publisher, taking months to get replies to their publishing application, and with that waste precious time to get the book to readers.
Or, more recently, loads of ‘Hybrid Publishing Houses’ have emerged. You’re promised it all and find down the track, you’ve got NO access to your own book and royalties!
Instead, here’s a better way: Learn to publish on Amazon.
Amazon gives you all the tools you need for professional formatting of your book, creating your book cover, publishing a paperback AND Kindle in one go and then you offer your book on the international, global market for sale, instantly!
In fact, you can publish, even BEFORE you’ve completed your manuscript!

This is what I offer:
– A complete publishing path that lets you acquire a repeatable skill and keeps you in control of all aspects of your book, including every cent of your book sales royalties, in every country published.
With my Amazon Publishing Package, I’ll guide you seamlessly through the process of getting your book published and available to a global audience.
From formatting and cover set up to navigating the intricacies of Amazon’s publishing platform, including best category choice and selection, making your book accessible to readers worldwide.
I’ll show you step-by-step our account set up in Amazon and its user-friendly tools and you’ll be able to publish your book in both versions, Print and Kindle.

This is the way we would work together on this:
4x 60min online via zoom in private, one on one sessions.
- Set up your Amazon Account
- Get an overview of Amazon and your Account
- Check out the Tools Amazon offers you
- Learn about categories and how to select the BEST for you and why
- Understand royalties and how to set your pricing
- Book manuscript formatting with the Amazon Tools
- Your Book Cover: Amazon or other ways – understand the differences
- How to upload your Book –
Voila! You’ve learned a skill you can repeat over and over with every one of your Books!

Not sure you’re ready for publishing?
Book a time and day on my calendar and let’s chat, no charge.